Welcome To Our World

Have you ever awakened with a song on your mind? This morning Chris Rice’s Welcome to Our World was buzzing in my head. Not long after that, I made my way through the dark and quiet to my computer and YouTube where I listened to the words over and over again. The profound insight expressed in it so stirred and moved me that I wanted to share the lyrics with you.

Tears are falling, hearts are breaking
How we need to hear from God
You’ve been promised, we’ve been waiting
Welcome Holy Child
Welcome Holy Child

Hope that you don’t mind our manger
How I wish we would have known
But long-awaited Holy Stranger
Make Yourself at home
Please make Yourself at home

Bring Your peace into our violence
Bid our hungry souls be filled
Word now breaking Heaven’s silence
Welcome to our world
Welcome to our world

Fragile finger sent to heal us
Tender brow prepared for thorn
Tiny heart whose blood will save us
Unto us is born
Unto us is born

So wrap our injured flesh around You
Breathe our air and walk our sod
Rob our sin and make us holy
Perfect Son of God
Perfect Son of God
Welcome to our world

As I look ahead to a day of candy-making, shopping, and the like my soul rejoices in the knowledge that there is nothing more joyous than celebrating Jesus’ birth, nothing more important than truly acknowledging Christ. This song has reminded me that the most meaningful thing I can do today is to invite Jesus to permeate every fiber of my being and every activity of the day.

So I want to invite you to do as I am about to do. Stop and read through the lyrics again, only this time read them as a prayer. Together let us press the pause button in the Christmas madness long enough to welcome Jesus to our worlds today.